February 2, 2008

Made the Decision? 7 Action Steps

Once you have made the decision to dissolve your marriage (divorce), there are some action steps you should take.

If you and the soon-to-be-ex are taking the DIY route to divorce you should:
  • Cancel all joint credit cards - open new individual accounts

  • Cancel Direct Deposit if you have it and unlink bank accounts if linked online

  • Split the money in joint accounts and each open separate, individual accounts

  • Change all passwords - email, ATM, websites - and don't use the same old ones!

  • Monitor your credit report to be sure the accounts are closed

  • Start a folder to collect monthly bills in one place - this makes the Financial Affidavit easier

  • Decide how the household bills will be paid during the divorce process
You can use this online estimator for child support. Although not precise, it will give you an idea of what the child support payment will be so you can make a budget.